At the Park

A friendship poem with onomatopoeia

My girlfriend and I were on swings rocking
And my analog watch went tick tocking
Then, from nowhere we heard a loud thunk
Wouldn't you know it was our HS hunk

Whose seesaw plank hit the ground fully
He rebounded, it clanked; and then the bully
Went splat on a piece of hard frozen ice
Yeah, ow, 'bout time he paid the price

So Sally and I whispered our approval
A snort, and the hunk saw to his removal
Heard beep, beep, beep as a truck backed up
And then the rain started to splash and plup

The park is a nice place for friends to hang
Though very rarely you may hear a bang
But all in all, we hardly ever hear a thud
Anyway, I gotta go slosh through the mud

Copyright 2009 - Mindy Makuta (aka MyFairLadyah)
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