When You Cry Your Eyes Out

A tissue poem with 2 endings

When you cry your eyes out, I hope that it's for joy
I hope it's not for sadness, that tissues you employ
That tears are salty just the same, affects the tissue not
The box is handy for you to use, even if flu you've got

Tissues are to throwaway the tears when they are shed
They preserve your makeup; keep smudges off your bed
They're there for you to blow your nose; to dab the tear;
To remove the sleepies; they don't comment, do not fear

Does not matter what the color; pastels make pretty tissues
Standard white works as well, and won't breed sexist issues
Tissues are housed in pretty boxes of cardboard, ceramic, tin
The level of their adornment generally fits the spot they're in

When you cry your eyes out, I hope the tissue box is near
For after wiping gently, you can certainly see more clear


Alternate ending

When you cry your eyes out, I hope the tissue box is handy
For after wiping gently, you may console yourself with candy


Copyright 2009 - Mindy Makuta (aka MyFairLadyah)
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