A Romanian Waitress

What's wonderful about America

Met a Romanian waitress today
Working at a place in Estes
All smiles of enjoyment doing her job
She's in the US with her sister
She loves our country
Its freedom and opportunity (I expect)

Let us not forget
What's great about America
We should appreciate what we have
And why others want it so much

Our system is not generally flawed
The checks and balances usually work
To turn bad things around

When good intentions sour
Through faulty implementation
Or excessive idealism
Shift too far left or right
We eventually right ourselves

Term limits keep things fresh
I've seen it the other way
Not so good
Sometimes I think we need
Better representation
So those locally vested
Have more say
Than the visitor citizens

But that's not gonna happen
So we hope for change
Though the cogs of democracy
Turn slow

It's hard to be patient
And yet Romania was a
Dictatorship not so long ago
And look at our waitress
With the freedom to work here

Copyright 2009 - Mindy Makuta (aka MyFairLadyah)
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