A Cap Upon the Head

A poem inspired by watching people wearing various hats

A cap upon the head
Front to back or back to front
The style of wearing, no words said
Does more than keep the pate unsunned

A pink-hatted lady just arrived
Like Jackie's pillbox hat with fur
How such design was contrived
Creative mind, free choice, concur

A rasta cap controlling locks
Fits like a lunch lady's snood
Keeps hair tidy for many blocks
On some people it looks good

A cyclist's helmet fit for travel
Says someone takes cycling seriously
It protects one's head from gravel
Lest it disappear mysteriously

A beret speaks French perhaps
A tam for Scotsmen, aye
There are so many types of caps
I'll tip my hat to say goodbye

Copyright 2009 - Mindy Makuta (aka MyFairLadyah)
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