Fighting City Hall

Do you fight "them" or do you leave?

They represent the people, eh?
They balance both sides, eh?
They are reasonable, eh?
Yeah, Right

Can't get it done
But you fight the fight
Don't want to run
But someday you might

Plead your case, it's common sense
Some of the panel come to your defense
But on whole they're close minded,
Those who rule;
For the moment you're outta fuel

If there was a way
To sway the minds
Then it would be worth
The stay
If there was a way
To upset the cart
Then it would be worth
The stay, to jump into the fray

But the way it is,
What's the point?

Yet you gotta fight the fight
Cause you are vested
You can't let yourself be bested
Till you are unencumbered
The days are numbered

And maybe, just maybe
They'll see the light
And set things right

And hopefully you'll still care
Whether or not you are there
To finally have a judgment fair

Copyright 2009 - Mindy Makuta (aka MyFairLadyah)
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