What Is It About Fox News?

About the Fox News cable TV network

What is it about Fox News?
There seem to be a lot of blondes
Take a look at the female anchors
But anyway, let's move beyond

What is it about Fox News?
That makes it balanced and fair
O'Reilly, Hannity, Van Susteren
All of them on the evening air

What is it about Fox News?
They've got Geraldo in a good spot
I remember him from NYC
He was local, look where's he's got

What is it about Fox News?
Let's start the day at 6'oclock
Great morning news and chat
Like family and friends on my block

What is it about Fox News?
Rivals forever of CNN
Good in depth and disaster coverage
I start my day with Fox & Friends

Copyright 2009 - Mindy Makuta (aka MyFairLadyah)
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