About the work that needs to be done
There are all sorts of work to do
You can drive a bus or shine a shoe
Slice meats at the deli, shovel the walk
Teach seals to clap and parrots to talk
Bake at the bakery, mine in the mines
Watch the reactors and implement fines
Represent the victim or the accuser
Collect for the house from unlucky loser
Keep the neighborhoods safe from crime
Scrub the restrooms, graffiti and grime
Educate our children to meet their future
Be a competent surgeon, learn to suture
If elected, you'll be the folks' advocate
Or represent your country as a diplomat
Harvest the crops and sheer the sheep
Fix up someone's ninety-three jeep
Balance the books and file the taxes
Make the laws and spend the taxes
Lead the people by a higher calling
Help the old ones, keep from falling
This is some of the work to be done
So, find your place and make it fun
For work can be labor, just a chore
But you'll do a better job if it's more
Copyright 2009 - Mindy Makuta (aka MyFairLadyah)
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